Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Animorphs The Invasion: Journal Entry 1

Chapters 1-3 (Pg 1-31) Today I started the book Animorphs by K.A. Applegate. It starts with the main character Jake explaining that he cannot tell us the readers about the whereabouts his at because he is worried that "something" will them. He then starts telling about this one night where after a night of bowling with his best friend Marco, he, Marco, his cousin Rachel, his friend Cassie who he kind of has a crush on, and Tobias, his friend who admires Jake because he stopped two kids from giving him a swirly, encounter a alien. This alien known as an Andalite tells them that other aliens are on this planet and they want to destroy the human race. Those aliens are known as the Yeerks, aliens who don't have an actual body but have host bodies in humans. The Andalite tells them that he is dying and that he decides to put the fate of the human race in their hands by giving them a special power only exclusive to Andalites, the ability to morph into any animal. As he is done giving them their powers Visser 3, the leader of the Yeerks who also has the ability to morph, arrives on the scene causing the Andalite to tell them to run and warn people of the Yeerks before it is too late.

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