Monday, February 23, 2015

A Brief History Of Time: Journal Entry 8

Chapter 8 (Pg 119-145) Today I started a new chapter that starts with Stephan Hawking talking about how after he did research on black holes he started doing research on the origin and fate of the universe. So far he talks about the origin of the universe where once the big bang happened the temperature of the universe decreased up to where it stopped producing helium and other elements and started expanding (the temperature still kept decreasing). I read about how the earth was when it was initially created and that it was very hot with no atmosphere. And once there was an atmosphere it was very poisonous due to being made up of toxic gases like hydrogen sulfide. Thankfully the first primitive forms of life released oxygen into the air and changed the atmosphere to the one we have today. This allowed the creation of much higher forms of life like fish, mammals, reptiles, and humansI read about the strong & the weak anthropic principle which is “how you see the universe the way it is because of how you exist”. It also talks about whether there is other life out there in the universe, if there was an initial configuration for the universe on how it started, and whether the universe is spatially infinite.

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