Thursday, March 5, 2015

Animorphs The Invasion: Final Journal Entry

Chapters 17-27 (Pg 119-184) It starts with Jake telling the others about the secret entrance to the Yeerk Pool in the janitor's closet. On a unrelated note, there have been signs of a possible romantic relationship between Tobias & Rachel seeing as when Tobias that nobody would care he was destroyed by the Yeerks, Rachel would then blurt out that she would. Then there was another scene where Tobias, in red tailed hawk form, perched on Rachel's shoulder and Rachel rubbed her head against him. Back to the story, Cassie would take the group to a zoo where her mom works to acquire new morphs. Jake would manage to get a Tiger Morph and Marco would manage to get a Gorilla Morph. The Next day, the Animorphs, a name Marco came up with for their group, went to school later that night to try to free the people from the Yeerks at the yeerk pool. They realize that Cassie is not there with them and when they get into the school they see the controllers taking Cassie to the Yeerk Pool. They discovered, through the entrance in the janitor's closet, an underground city that the Yeerks built for their Yeerk pool. As they headed down the stairs they separated, Jake & Marco going one way, Rachel going another, and Tobias checking from the ceiling. Marco would tell Jake to make sure the Yeerks don't get him. The Hork-Bajirs would find them behind a crate and attempted to capture them until Rachel morphed into an elephant and stomped all the Hork-Bajirs. Jake & Marco would then morph into a tiger and gorilla, respectively, where they managed to save Cassie & Tom. However, Visser 3 would appear and would transform into his monster form, that we read earlier in the book,  and managed to recapture everyone they saved except for this one girl that Cassie saved by transforming into a horse and carried her the way up. The Animorphs managed to escape but with only one person saved and with Tom being recaptured. The Next Day, Tobias would visit Jake in his red tailed hawk form and would tell him that when Visser 3 transformed he hid a cavern until it was all over. Tobias would then say that it took over 2 hours and that he is stuck in his red tailed hawk form. Tobias would tell a saddened Jake that until the Andalites come to help them, they will fight!

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